I wish I didn’t have to write this, and you didn’t have to read this – sorry. I’ll make it brief. (At the end, I explain why this is necessary, in case you’re interested.)
In order to receive an email whenever we post something new, you need to “Subscribe”, like this:
Put your name and email into the “Subscribe to Smartini Life!” form that’s on the right side of every page, and click the [Subscribe] button.
- Check your email – you should have one from Smartini Life with the Subject “Confirm your subscription to Smartini Life”. It instructs you to click a link to confirm that you want to subscribe. Click on it. (If you DON’T see this email in your inbox, check you spam folder.)
- Now you’re a “Subscriber” – which means ONLY that you’ll get an email whenever we post something new. It does NOT give you the ability to write Comments – but if you don’t want to write Comments, then you can stop here – no need to “Register”. If you want to write Comments, keep reading.
In order to be able to write a Comment on something we post, you have to “Register”, like this:
Click on the “Register” link that appears on the right side of every page, in the “Other Stuff” section.
- Enter a User Name and your email, and click the [Register] button.
- Check your email – you should have one from WordPress with the subject “[Smartini Life] Your username and password info”. It instructs you to click a link (the first one – the one that’s very long) to set your password. Click on it. (If you DON’T see this email in your inbox, check you spam folder.)
- You’ll see a page with a crazy password, like ^*4$8Ohk9rIySkKu. You don’t want to use that, so change it to whatever you like, and click the [Reset Password] button. Don’t worry if it’s “Weak” or even “Very weak” – you’re not going to be doing anything important here! (But write it down somewhere, so you don’t forget it.)
- Now you’re “Registered”. You don’t have to sign in to read things, but you will have to sign in if you want to write a comment.
Sorry this is necessary. We’re using WordPress for the site, which is free, and quite capable – but incredibly, it has no built-in feature for notifying people when something new is posted. So you have to get a “plug in” – a little program that works with WordPress to add that capability. Only, it doesn’t truly integrate with WordPress – it creates its own list of “Subscribers”, separate from WordPress’s list of “Users” – and no, they don’t synchronize. That’s why you have to sign up twice, and why I had to just spend 30 minutes documenting the process. Grrrr… But, as I frequently tell people who complain about Gmail, or iTunes, or any other free software, “Shut up – it’s free!”.
I think I’m all registered bc I can comment. Love and miss you guys.
I guess I’m registered also. Brian and Fran taught me well. Its just one more password/website to keep track of – 10 pages double columned and growing.
Looks like I’m in???
thanks for the info. I will enjoy posting comments!
Sorry, everyone – for some reason, the above Post was showing up as a “Draft”, so I hit the “Publish” button – not thinking that it would send an email to all the Subscribers. I’ll be more careful next time.